337.com Integration Guide


Game developers need our help to set things up at our backend currently, there will be a “Secret Key” to secure almost every request from the game to 337 service.

Each game server will have a APPID like GameName@Platform_language_Number. For most of the time, game developer don’t have to deal with this much. just need to know this is how we tell different servers in a single game.


Developers need to offer us a Canvas URL for each game server (if the game want to use 337’s multi-server feature), 337 will append necessary params to this url so that the game knows who the current user is.


Params appended

Key requeired type description
sig_app_id Y string appid of this server
sig_api_key Y string apiID of this server, it will be the same as sig_app_id
sig_user Y string uid of the current user
sig_username Y string username of the current user
sig_time Y integer timestamp of this request sent.if this time is 5 minutes different from current time, drop this request.
sig_flash_xml_url N string flash xml configuration file url, not needed.
sig_auth_key Y string signature of this request, how to generate this is described below.
sig_extended N string see Login Extensions for more information,this param will be signed separatly.

How sig_auth_key generated

sig_auth_key = MD5.encrypt(sig_user + sig_app_id + sig_api_key + sig_time + secret);

secret will be provided by 337.

e.g. 337 will load the canvas like this:

id="iframecontent" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" src="{游戏提供的URL}?sig_auth_key={sig_auth_key}&sig_user={sig_user}&sig_app_id={sig_app_id}&sig_api_key={sig_api_key}&sig_time={sig_time}&sig_username={sig_username}&sig_user_gender={sig_user_gender}&sig_src=&sig_flash_xml_url={sig_flash_xml}&connect_id={connect_id}" style="width:100%;">

Example code in PHP:

if(md5( $_GET[‘sig_user’] . $_GET[‘sig_app_id’] . $_GET[‘sig_api_key’] . $_GET[‘sig_time’] . $secret) !==  $_GET[‘sig_auth_key’]) {
    error_log(“Bad Signature”);
    return null;
} else if((time() - (int)$_GET[‘sig_time’]) > 60 * 5) {
    // request should be issued in 5 minutes for example
    error_log(“Request Timeout”);
    return null;

Login Extensions




On the user end, the game need to open the 337 payment dialog box using the JS function we provided, when user click on the recharge button. In order to do this, game need to implement our JS-SDK.

The Functions

With JS-SDK implemented, Game can access our javascript APIs by calling the Javascript function call_gdp_function(funcName, params, callback).

Param List

Params Description
funcName API Name(required),for payment, it will be showPayments
params API Param(optional),object type
Callback javascript callback function name(optional)

For the payment dialog, the follow code will be just fine:


For the New Payment Flow, the function is:

call_gdp_function("showBuyItem", {item_id: “item id defined on 337 console”});

Server-End integrations

When user finishes a purchase, we will issue a server-end callback to the callback api game provide. Game can add in-game currencies or items to the user account base on the such callback.

The complete callback process will be as follow:

  1. 337.com issues the callback notification with the payment information
  2. Game receive this callback, get the information and submit the information to 337.com’s payment verify service to check if the information is valid.
  3. 337.com verifies the information, return the result.
  4. Game deal with this payment based on the result of verification. if the verification is OK, add in-game currencies or items to this user account, and return 3,{user’s uid},otherwise return the error.

Callback Params

Param Description
trans_id The id of this transition, duplicated transition id should not be proceed again.
product_id if this payment runs in the new payment flow
amount the amount of the in-game currency user purchased
user_id user’s id, as same as sig_user in SSO request
role_id user’s role id, if your game not using this, just ignore this.
timestamp timestamp of this request issued
gross the amount of real money the user paid.
currency the currency of real money the user paid, e.g. USD
channel the payment method of this purchase, e.g. paypal
pay_type payment type,web/mobile, can just ignore this.
vip if the user is 337.com vip and enjoy a discount.
custom_data some customized data. if your game not using this feature, just ignore this.
  • gross is not accurate for some payment method, just use it as a reference.
  • for some payment method,gross could be 0.
  • for some payment method,337 will surcharge the user,which means user will have to pay more if they use these payment method, so please don’t calculate how much in-game currency should add to user based on gross on your side,always use amount


337.com payment verify service url:https://pay.337.com/payelex/api/callback/verify.php

Public Key (.ca file, php may need this to work work properly),click to download:http://elexpublish.googlecode.com/files/verisign_ca.crt

Request Method:POST/GET

Results may return:

  • OK: everthing is fine, the payment information is valid
  • other return value: this payment is invalid.

The Return value of the callbcak

What game sould return Description
3,null fail to proceed the payment on the game side.
3,94a0acb127ef8ee8c925e3944941ce5e the user doesn’t exist
3,$user_id success, or this transition has already been proceed.

Example Code(PHP)

$trans_id = $_REQUEST ["trans_id"];
$user_id = $_REQUEST ["user_id"];
$amount = $_REQUEST['amount'];
$gross = $_REQUEST['gross'];
$currency = $_REQUEST['currency'];
$channel = $_REQUEST['channel'];

//To check if the transaction exists in db.
//Yes means the transactions has been successfully processed. Just return OK status
$exist = is_trans_exist($trans_id);
if($exist) {
    echo '3,'.$user_id;

//to verify the transaction towards payelex server.
$res = check_payelex_transaction($trans_id, $user_id, $amount, $gross, $currency, $channel);
if(!$res) {
    echo "3,null";

//retrieve the user from db.
$user = find_user_from_db();
if ($user == null) {
    echo '3,94a0acb127ef8ee8c925e3944941ce5e';

//recharge the user with the deserved game coins.
if(add_coins($_REQUEST)) {
    echo '3,'.$user_id;

echo "3,null";

function check_payelex_transaction($trans_id, $user_id, $amount, $gross, $currency, $channel) {
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 1);
    //verisign_ca.crt is the public certificate from
    //VeriSign(It is the biggest Certificate Authority which issue XingCloud client certificate)
    //verisign_ca.crt must be located at the same directory as this PHP code are.
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, 'verisign_ca.crt');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://pay.337.com/payelex/api/callback/verify.php');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

    $params = array(

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params));

    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    $result = trim($result);
    if ($result === 'OK') return true;
    return false;